I am excited to invite you to the next workshop of our upcoming Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics "Teach the Teacher" (CP4T) course, about the revision of the WHO Guide to…
Yesterday we had the third meeting of our international, interprofessional Student-Run Clinic! It was again very fruitful with discussions about vitamine-K antagonists, antibiotics. an patient with falling risk.
On September 21, we had the third progress meeting of this year. In the past three moments new parts of the project have been started! For example: - A PhD…
Today we had a meeting with all partners to discuss the progress of the of project. We evaluated the second teach the teacher course which was held on the first…
We are happy to invite you to the EACPT Education Days and EurOP2E Multiplier event on June 1 and 2 2023 in Amsterdam. Please see the invitation attached to this…
Today we had our first progress meeting of the CP4T project. Today we discussed the organisation of the second Teach the Teacher course which will be held on June 1…
February 16-17 2023, we had a very fruitful meeting hosted by the La Laguna University of the Canary Islands. We have made great progress on: Filling the platform with high…
On the 10th and 11th of November, we organized a Multiplier Event about the European Prescribing Exam. With over 30 teachers in clinical pharmacology and therapeutic from 17 different European…
The multiplier event is currently ongoing and a great succes! More info soon.
On the 10th of November we officially started with a new Erasmus+ project called: Clinical pharmacology and Therapeutics Teach the Teacher (CP4T) program. The project is set up together with…
On the 26th of October, we were invited to give a lecture to students from Marasyk University, Czech republic. We spoke about the European Prescribing Exam, and together we performed…
Today we had one of our last consortium meetings during the official project duration. We mainly discussed the organization of the Multiplier Event that will be held on the 10th…
During the EACPT congress in Athens, we had our own stand to promote the European Prescribing Exam. Attendees were able to read extra information, see the online environment, and ask…
On Monday both the projects had the opportunity to present the current situation and the future plans during the Education session of the EACPT congress in Athens. For EuroPE+, we…
During the congress we also had the opportunity to organise a session dedicated to our European Prescribing Exam. We invited all interested universities. During the meeting current members of the…
Today, we had the honored opportunity to be part of the pre-meeting of the young clinical pharmacologists during the EACPT congress in Athens. During this meeting we first shortly presented…
Today we had our last meeting to discuss the preparations for the EACPT congress in Athens. We discussed our presentations, and how to disseminate the project. One of the ideas:…
On Wednesday the 18th of May we had a meeting with over 10 European universities that are interested to use our European Prescribing exam! It was an interesting videoconference in…
Our letter to the editor about the European Prescribing Exam is now published. You can read it (open access) via European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Upcoming national and international conferences where we will present our projects: Dutch Society of Medical Education Extended conference (NVMO) EurOP2E - New Educational Resources (Accepted, May 17, online) EurOPE+ -…
Yesterday evening we had our third(!) international interprofessional medication review training with third-to-final year medical and pharmacology students from Amsterdam and Bologna. We plan to have more meetings and include…
This morning we had a very fruitful meeting with all consortium partners of the EurOP2E project. Amongst other things we discussed: The new research article about open educational resources to…
We have started our collaborative efforts to improve education about sustainability and planetery health in regard to clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Read more in our letter to the editors (currently…
The first round of the Delphi study to reach consensus on the European List of Essential Medicines for Medical Education has been successfully finished. Over 200 European physicians (from recently…
Pietro Spitaleri Timpone and Arianna Biancalani (University of Bologna) have the honour present their contribution to the European Prescribing Exam at the Korea University International Medical Student Research Conference on…
On the second of November we gave a lecture at the Marasyk University, Czech republic. During this lecture we introduced the European Prescribing Exam and discussed a polypharmacy case. Both…
Our article about Educational Escape Rooms, that will be part of the EurOP2E platform is now published. You can read it (open access) via Medical Science Educator
The study to reach conensus on a list of medicines which a junior doctor should be able to prescribe effectively and safely has been launched. This is the first step…
Yesterday afternoon we had our second consortium meeting. We had a fruitful discussion about: How the online platform should look (it must be user-friendly!) The idea and protocol for a…
This day we provided a workshop at the EACPT virtual meeting 2021. During this workshop we introduced the European Prescribing Exam, and involved the participants in creating new exam questions.…
After a very successful meeting last May, we organized a second International Student-Run Clinic event. This time a student of UNIBO had prepared a real clinical case. Again, it was…
This afternoon we gave an invited lecture to students from the Marasyk University, Czech Republic. During this lecture we introduced our European Prescribing Exam and taught them how to perform…
Our protocol entitled: European List of Essential Medicines for Medical Education: a protocol for a modified Delphi study has been published in the BMJ Open!This is the first step to…
Tonight we had our first International Student-Run Clinic event with medical and pharmacy students from Italy and the Netherlands! An event that originates from the EuroPE+ project.During this online event…
On Wednesday 2nd of September we had an online videoconference with all participating partners. Together with Conclusion Learning Centers the teachers are instructed on how to use our exam environment.…
Today we had a meeting with all participating partners to discuss the progress of our project. In short:1. The pilot has been finished in 5 universities. In the other universities…
An article in the journal of the Swedish medical association. Summary: The prescription of medicines is one of the most common acts performed by physicians. Yet, several studies have shown…
On Thursday 9th of July we had a videoconference with all partner universities and the WHO Europe. The exam environment is almost ready to use, and a protocol for a…
Prof. M. van Agtmael and dr. D. Brinkman were interviewed about their vision on education in (clinical) pharmacology. The European Prescribing Exam is one of the measures to improve and…
We have altered the URL and design of our webpage to better reflect recent changes in the EuroPE+ project and to celebrate the collaboration with the EuroP2E project for open…
Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, we were unfortunately forced to cancel our second face-to-face meeting in Tenerife in March 2020. In stead of the face-to-face meeting, we organised an online…
On Sunday 27th of October, we had the first face-to-face meeting at Amsterdam UMC. The partners in this project are 9 EU universities, a test developer, the WHO and the…